martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Cinema and AVANT-GARDE art

Avant-garde wants to show and represent the life in the modern world (technology, speed, social movements, etc.) There are two different types of avant-garde art:

                        -Abstract paint: The central trait of abstract is that it does not portray realistic images.

                       - Surrealistic paint: The central trait of surrealistic art is that it wants to represent the                                dreams logic.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Cinema also was influeced by avant-garde art. We have abstract and surrealistic movies.                      In comparision with painting, cinema offers us the movement.
   An example of an abstract movie:

                 An example of a surrealistic movie: 

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

George Méliès

George Méliès was a famous illusionist and magician that worked in Paris. When he discovered the cinemotograph, he thought that the new means had many posibilities as a show.
           Méliès used the cinemotograph to make magic tricks:


           Mèliés also filmed fantastic stories, with sers, actors and actresses, scripts, make up and wardrobe. He imagined fantastic plots, like a trip to the moon:

         Finally, he configured a new show conception with the cinematograph. Films had to be watched in a movie theatre with music in live. A pianist or an orchestra played accompaniment music with the images.
          For all these reasons,George Méliès is one of the greatest filmmakers in history.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

The Recorded Music

In 1877 Thomas Alva Edison invented the phonograph. This machine can record the sound and the music.

This fact was very important because with the recording, the music can be preserved.

Those are different examples of the early recorded music:



After that, it was invented the gramaphone, the machine than reproduce the recorded music. Ancient gramophones were very bad and they only could reproduce a few minutes of music.

And frome then on reproducer machines have developed a lot. Now, music reproducers are smaller and they can reproduce hours of music.! :D

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014


We are Jordan and Aaron. We are studying in " Mare de Deu de la Candelera" high school. We like: Anime, videogames and sports.

In this blog we are going to explain what you have learned in music class at high school about music and cinema. But also we are going to share our favorite music and my favourite videoclips. For instance, nowadays we like
Also i want to sahre the type of films what i like. My favourite film